You woke up this morning.
You are breathing.
You are blinking.
You can see.
You can hear.
You can speak.
It’s the little things in life that count the most, yet those are the things that we take for granted the most. Noone has to do any of the things that they do for you, no one owes you anything out of this life. Everything that you have, will have or have been given is a blessing. Being thankful for the little things lately has allowed me to not really sweat the bigger things so much. If I’m thankful for the time I am allowed to spend no matter how long it is, I’m never too upset if it ends. Genuinely understanding that I am not entitled to anything has helped me to cope with pretty much everything. Things don’t always have to be so calculated, so predictable and anticipated, sometimes they’re just as simple as they really seem--- Learning to let them be.
Photographer: Sofia Mercedes ( IG:
Top + Jeans / Necklace /: STRUT ( #strutbabe #strutbishop
Sunglasses: STRUT