

Nothing happens by accident. Each person you meet, each mistake that you make and every success that you encounter all are ingredients that cultivate your intended destiny. I believe that one way or another & maybe at even one point or more we are exactly where we’re supposed to be, with exactly whom we’re supposed to be with, doing exactly what we’re supposed to be doing. Whether we realize it or not, we inevitably experience perfect harmony.


The way that we naturally fall in sync with things we never knew we needed …

The way that we find things that we didn’t know we were looking for …

The way that everything that we could ever need sometimes just shows up exactly when we need it … 

The way that we find missing pieces to things that we never knew we were missing …


It’s all due to the natural & perfect HARMONY that we expose ourselves to when we let go of the justified perceptions that we’ve created for ourselves. Harmony can only thrive when simultaneous elements align. Whatever is rooted in perfect harmony has the ability to create the perfect melody. Learning to listen to my own harmony, create my own music and make my own beats. If you don’t like what you hear, play something else.


Photographer: Sofia Mercedes (http://sofia-mercedes.com/) IG: https://www.instagram.com/sofmercedes/

Top + Short Set / Necklace / Bag:  STRUT (https://www.instagram.com/shopstrut/) #strutbabe #strutbishop

Sunglasses: STRUT

Shoes: Forever21 

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