I believe that you create the things you want to see in life. You can decide to either live the life you have or create the life you want to live. Fashion, life and creation go hand in hand. In fashion we create ourselves each day through the clothes we choose, the style we possess, and the outfits we design. Throughout life we mold ourselves into the person we want to be, we grow out of habits that hinder our success, and we gradually blossom into the individual that we are ultimately meant to become. Year after year, day after day, and step by step we create the pieces of our life that are monumental in and to the masterpiece of who we are.
As I woke up and put this outfit together I went with how I felt and let my creative juices flow from there. That’s how I get dressed. I’ve never been one to lay my clothes out before an event or anything of that sort. I simply wake up and create my outfit based off of how I feel that day. If I'm feeling lazy I may grab a hoodie, If I feel girly I'll pick a dress, and red pants if I'm feeling fun. I believe when you look good, you feel good and when you feel good, you look good. Never wear anything that doesn’t make you feel good! It is very important to wear what you feel and create yourself around that. At twenty-something dressing however you please, living however you want and creating a better version of yourself are the most important things and (should be if not for most young people/millennials) the main focus. Some days I'm molding, some days I'm growing, everyday I'm creating. Design who you are, create your style, create your life. Who are you designing ? What are you creating? What's your style?
Style Advisory: This is a great look for going out to an afternoon lunch with a friend, a light shopping spree, a day event, or casual happy hour with a few close buddies. It's casual comfortable and easy.
Photos By: Dayna Soar
Location: Bishop Arts District
Shirt: Ross (Brand: Free Kisses)
Shoes: Worthington
Jewelry: Aldo, Michael Kors, Kate Spade
Until Next Time,